The automotive and aerospace industry has taken the step into the simulation world, which has streamlined the product development process considerably. To the automotive industry, and related industries that also taken this step, A-Dev makes projects to automate the process of finding good solutions. See examples of this at the optimization tab.

To the packaging industry, which usually finds solutions by prototyping, we try to explain the benefits of making simulations, and the importance of using material models that give reliable results - making simulations where you can not trust the outcome is often a waste of time and money.

The most common benefits mentioned when simulations is that it reduces the number of prototypes, but there are other benefits that are important to highlight:

· You can systematically and automatically test different configurations (material qualities, material thicknesses, tool forms etc.) in a manner that is practically impossible to do with experiments. Partly because it is not possible to manufacture all types of materials, partly because there is a spread of experiments that make it difficult to use optimization algorithms, and evaluate different parameters influence in a good way.

· You may also find information about how much tension and strain that arise in the material (where there is a risk that the material cracks), information that is difficult to obtain in experiments. The information can be used as constrains or targets when optimizing.